List of girls’ high schools
View the complete list of high schools and pre-university centers of humanities in Mashhad, along with the exact address, location on the map (to facilitate routing) and telephone.
Some of the graduates of humanities in Mashhad by participating in the humanities entrance exam of the Organization for Assessment of Law, Jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Law of universities such as Ferdowsi University of Mashhad or Islamic Azad University of Mashhad or Payame Noor University and universities and higher education institutions for 4 years Studying law gives people a bachelor’s degree in law.
The addresses of pre-university centers and high schools dedicated to humanities in Mashhad have been compiled exclusively by Avaye Rahnama:
View the complete list of high schools and pre-university centers of humanities in Mashhad, along with the exact address, location on the map (to facilitate routing) and telephone.
View the complete list of high schools and pre-university centers of humanities in Mashhad, along with the exact address, location on the map (to facilitate routing) and telephone.